Whenever you try to upload your transaction from a financial institution to Quicken, you may encounter a Quicken Upload error 106, 324, 168, 999, or -30. These problematic errors are usually caused by a change in your bank’s website or a move to your bank’s new account. Facing this problem, you will not be able to find your bank account by logging on to the bank’s website. To erase the Quicken 324 download error most conveniently, you have to go through the message. In this article, you will learn about the real causes of this problem and some real guides on how to fix it. Within minutes, you can log into your bank account hassle-free and often download transactions from the financial institution to your accession. let’s get started!
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Reasons for Quicken Download Error 106, 324, 168, 999, or -30
Below is a list of reasons for quicken download errors 106, 324, 168, 999, or -30. Just look:
- Due to a change in the bank account name
- If the bank switches to a new account, you may also get Quicken Download Error 106
- If the bank’s server is down, such an error code appears
How to Fix Quicken Error 106, 324, 168, 999 or -30
There are two easy ways to easily fix quicken download error 106, 324, 168, 999, or -30. Desired steps are mentioned below, you just need to follow them one by one. So, let’s have a look at the given points:
Guide 1: Disable the bank account
To deactivate your bank account in the easiest way, we suggest that you follow the instructions given below. So, let’s follow:
- First, you need to go to the “Accounts” menu and then choose the “Hide and show account” option.
- In the list column, find the accounts with errors and uncheck all accounts of that bank. Make sure you have unchecked all accounts with the bank, even if you don’t throw an error code
- Highlight each account one by one in the “Account View”, then click on the “Settings” button in the lower right corner of the screen
- In the “Your Financial Institutions” section, press the “Troubleshooting” option, then click “Disable download”
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 continuously to deactivate each account of the affected bank.
Once the accounts are successfully deactivated, the next step is to reactivate the account. Here is the guide to do it.
Guide 2: reactivate bank account
To easily activate your bank account, follow the instructions given below:
- First, you have to tap on “Configure Transform Download” in the “Settings” section
- Below the window, the names of the banks are listed. If you know the name of your bank, just click on the question mark “My bank is not listed to update the list of banks”. Once the list is fully updated, it will show the current date. To continue, you must click the “Show List” button
- Type your bank name in the required field and select it from the list, then after entering your login details correctly
- Then click “Continue”
- By doing this quicken a list of all the accounts of your bank will be displayed. Properly associate each of these accounts with the account you have set up in Quicken.
This process will allow you to download the transaction for 90 days from your financial institution. If you find a duplicate transaction, immediately remove it from the ledger.
If the above steps fail to solve the quicken download error 106, 324, 168, 999, or -30, don’t panic! We have technical engineers who are very intelligent and intelligent. So once you ask them to help you with folded hands, it will work for you. Call the hotline number and hassle the best technicians. The error on the root will definitely resolve within a minute.