How to Fix QuickBooks Online Sync Error 6250

QuickBooks Sync Error code 6250 is an error that occurs when you transact with a customer and that customer does not exist in the QuickBooks list. There are many reasons for this error. You may have checked a client name off the list, or basic system errors may be contributing to the error.

Read: How to Fix QuickBooks Error Code 3003?

Causes of QuickBooks Sync Error Code 6250

To get a better solution, one has to first look at the root cause. Why do we say this because by removing the causes the problem can be solved in a simple and permanent way. Similarly, here we also need to know the reasons for QuickBooks Online error 6250 to get better results. Here we are listing some of the error reasons that you may find as the reason for the error.

1- Damaged or Missing Files or Components: Damaged files and missing files can prevent QuickBooks from syncing with the customer list, causing an error. The error will occur suddenly when you open QuickBooks.

2- Connectivity Error in Data Transfer: Another reason for QuickBooks 6250 error is the connection you made while transferring data. This causes an error in the data that causes the synchronization issue. So always make sure that you are using a well-established internet connection whenever you transfer data. If you are able to rectify the cause, you should be able to complete the transactions and bill payments you made.

3- Firewall or Internet Security is Blocking Synchronization: If your Windows Firewall is blocking your Internet connection, you’ll probably see an error message. This way, QuickBooks will be blocked and unable to respond to your commands and an error will occur. Now you need to change the setting in your Security Firewall section.

4- Updates for QuickBooks Sync Manager are Missing: If you have the old Sync Manager, you are more likely to get the QuickBooks Sync Manager error again. You should check your sync manager for updates and update it to eliminate error code 6250. Because it prevents QuickBooks from retrieving your client’s data.

5- A Contact with the Same Display Name is Stored in QuickBooks: 

This indicates that QuickBooks is unable to retrieve the customer’s name because you have deleted or perhaps archived this customer. This is a possible reason why you are facing the error. If you want to get rid of the error, you have to fix this problem first.

How to Fix QuickBooks Online Sync Error 6250

After knowing the reasons, one has to move towards the solution and this is where the solutions are ready. There are several methods by which you can resolve QuickBooks Online sync error 6250. Here we recruit three for you. If one method does not work for you then you can use all three one by one.

Method 1: Unarchive The Client

You need to unarchive the client name from the folder to clear the error. Once you unreserve the name, you should be able to work in QuickBooks again. Here’s how to unarchive the list name.

  • Click on the left menu. Select Billing & Sales.
  • The list of selected customers appears on top. And click on the gear icon.
  • Now you will be able to modify the list and select the customer you want.
  • Select Inactive Include to unarchive the client.
  • Tap Activate.

By following the above steps you have unarchived the client and now you can restart the process and check whether it works for you or not.

Method 2: Rename the Intuit folder

Renaming the Intuit folder is another way to get out of QuickBooks sync error code 6250 that you can try to fix the problem. Here’s how to do it, you just need to follow the simple steps below.

  • Close your QuickBooks application.
  • Update QuickBooks to the latest version available.
  • Find the system tray and double-click the Sync Manager icon.
  • Close Sync Manager.
  • Follow the file path “C:\Users/username\AppData\Local\Intuit”.
  • Rename the sync manager folder

After following the above steps, you must restart your system, relaunch QuickBooks, and check whether the error is fixed. To fully verify, you must first try to synchronize the information and then try to fix the error.

Method 3: Re-create the Sync Manager folder

Recreating the Sync Manager folder may be a way to get out of the persistent QuickBooks Online error 6250. The question here is how to proceed. Here we list some steps to recreate the Sync Manager folder. The difficulty here is that you will have to manually synchronize all the data when creating a new folder, and this is a very difficult task to do.

  • Quit QuickBooks and update QuickBooks first.
  • Find the Sync Manager folder in this path C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Intuit.
  • Now you have to create a new folder there and sync all the data present there.

After that, now you need to restart your device and launch the updated QuickBooks again. I hope your problem must have been solved by this method.


Intuit’s QuickBooks has been a go-to accounting software for small businesses and independent QuickBooks professionals for many years. Sync error code 6250 can cause significant problems for users trying to keep their finances in order. 

Fortunately, there are several solutions that have proven effective in fixing this problem. If you encounter sync error code 6250 while using QuickBooks, be sure to try one of the solutions listed in this article.

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